Fratres is particularly attentive
to the health of the donor, an
essential prerequisite for the
quality of the donation. The donation is not only giving to
others, but also give yourself a
healthy way of life.
That said, in relation to the various
therapeutic needs, there are,
according to the relevant
regulations, different types of donation,
which are targeted depending on
which part of the blood is the
most appropriate or desirable
Whole blood
whole blood lasts no more than 10
minutes for a volume of 450 ml
more or less 10%. For
this type of donation you must
fast for at least eight hours and
a time interval between a donation
and the other, at least 3 months
for men and for women in
menopause, 6 months for women of
childbearing age .
a blood donation undergoes a
processing, call centrifugation,
which has the purpose of
separating the individual blood
components. In this way the plasma, the red blood
cells and the white blood cells
with the platelets flow into three
separate bags, connected to each
other, ready to be used just
performed the examinations
necessary to ensure safety.
With a single donation, therefore, it
becomes possible to help three
different people for which you
need only a single blood component. |
by the use of said equipments
"cell separators", taken
from the donor only a part of the
blood, that of which it has more
need (for example, only plasma),
giving it back the other elements
simultaneously. Currently,
unfortunately, for the needs of
only plasma Italy depends from
abroad to about 70%, with an
increase of expense and also risk.
plasma donor has the same physical
characteristics of those who
donate whole blood, with the
difference that you can make the
plasma gift for apheresis even
after only 15 days, since the
plasma is regenerated very quickly,
and with hemoglobin rates below those
required to donate whole blood. The plasmapheresis, however, requiring
special equipment, you can make
only enabled in some centers, and
lasts about 30 minutes.
donation of blood components
technology also enables multiple
donations through cell separators
that collect one or more blood
components from a single donor. The
eritroplasmaferesi is the donation
of red blood cells and plasma; the
collection of red blood cells and
platelets, however, is called
eritropiastrinoaferesi; plasmapiastrinoaferesi is the donation
of plasma and platelets. |